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Privacy Policy

We value your privacy at Sunrise Fashion and are committed to safeguarding it across our website,, and other platforms we manage.


Google Analytics Privacy Statement


We utilize the analytical tracking tool Google Analytics (GA) provided by the American company Google Inc. on our website. For the European region, Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services. Google Analytics collects data about your actions on our website. For instance, when you click on a link, this action is stored in a cookie and transmitted to Google Analytics. Through the reports we receive from Google Analytics, we can tailor our website and services more effectively to your preferences. Below, we delve into the tracking tool and specifically inform you about what data is stored and how you can prevent it.


What is Google Analytics?


Google Analytics is a tracking tool designed for traffic analysis on our website. To enable Google Analytics, a tracking code is embedded into our website's code. When you visit our website, this code records various actions you take on our site. Once you leave our website, this data is sent to and stored on Google Analytics servers.


Google processes the data, and we receive reports on your user behavior. These reports may include:


  • Audience reports: Audience reports help us better understand our users and identify who is interested in our services.

  • Display reports: Display reports enable us to analyze and improve our online advertising more easily.

  • Acquisition reports: Acquisition reports provide valuable insights into how we can attract more people to our services.

  • Behavior reports: Here, we learn how you interact with our website. We can track the path you take on our site and which links you click.

  • Conversion reports: A conversion is when you take a desired action as a result of a marketing message. For example, when you transition from being a mere website visitor to a purchaser or newsletter subscriber. Through these reports, we gain insight into how our marketing efforts resonate with you. This helps us increase our conversion rate.

  • Real-time reports: Here, we instantly learn what is happening on our website. For example, we see how many users are currently reading this text.


Why do we use Google Analytics on our website?


Our goal with this website is clear: we aim to provide you with the best possible service. The statistics and data from Google Analytics help us achieve this goal.


The statistically analyzed data paint a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of our website. On one hand, we can optimize our site to make it more easily discoverable by interested individuals on Google. On the other hand, the data help us understand you as a visitor better. Thus, we know precisely what we need to improve on our website to offer you the best possible service. The data also enable us to conduct our advertising and marketing efforts in a more personalized and cost-effective manner. After all, it only makes sense to showcase our products and services to people who are interested in them.


What data does Google Analytics store?


Google Analytics generates a random, unique ID associated with your browser cookie using a tracking code. This enables Google Analytics to recognize you as a new user. The next time you visit our site, you will be recognized as a "returning" user. All collected data is stored together with this user ID. This is what makes it possible to evaluate pseudonymous user profiles.


Through identifiers such as cookies and app instance IDs, your interactions on our website are measured. Interactions include all types of actions you perform on our website. If you also use other Google systems (such as a Google account), data generated by Google Analytics may be linked to third-party cookies. Google does not disclose Google Analytics data unless we as website operators authorize it. Exceptions may occur if required by law.


Google Analytics utilizes the following cookies:


Cookie Name: _ga

Value: 2.1326744211.152311251914-5

Purpose: By default, analytics.js uses the _ga cookie to store the User ID. Essentially, it is used to distinguish website visitors.

Expiration: 2 years from creation.


Name: _gid

Value: 2.1687193234.152311251914-1

Purpose: This cookie is also used to distinguish website visitors.

Expiration Date: after 24 hours


Name: _gat_gtag_UA_<property-id>

Value: 1

Purpose: Used to reduce the request rate. When Google Analytics is provided via Google Tag Manager, this cookie is named _dc_gtm_ <property-id>.

Expiration Date: after 1 minute



Value: no information

Purpose: This cookie contains a token that can be used to retrieve a user ID from the AMP Client ID service. Other possible values ​​indicate logout, request, or error.

Expiration Date: after 30 seconds to one year


Name: __utma

Value: 1564498958.1564498958.1564498958.1

Purpose: This cookie allows tracking of your behavior on the website and measuring performance. The cookie is updated each time information is sent to Google Analytics.

Expiration Date: after 2 years


Name: __utmt

Value: 1

Purpose: This cookie is used, like _gat_gtag_UA_<property-id>, to throttle the request rate.

Expiration Date: after 10 minutes


Name: __utmb

Value: 3.10.1564498958

Purpose: This cookie is used to determine new sessions. It is updated each time new data or information is sent to Google Analytics.

Expiration Date: after 30 minutes


Name: __utmc

Value: 167421564

Purpose: This cookie is used to establish new sessions for returning visitors. It is a session cookie and is only stored until you close the browser.

Expiration Date: upon closing the browser


Name: __utmz

Value: m|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/

Purpose: This cookie is used to identify the source of visitor traffic to our website. It stores where you came from to our website, which may have been another site or an ad placement.

Expiration Date: after 6 months


Name: __utmv

Value: no information

Purpose: This cookie is used to store custom user data. It is updated whenever information is sent to Google Analytics.

Expiration Date: after 2 years


Note: This list cannot claim to be complete, as Google changes its choice of cookies frequently.


Here we provide an overview of the key data collected with Google Analytics:


Heatmaps: Google creates heatmaps to show precisely which areas you click on. This gives us information on where you navigate on our site.


Session Duration: Google defines session duration as the time you spend on our site without leaving the page. If you have been inactive for 20 minutes, the session ends automatically.


Bounce Rate: A bounce occurs when you view only one page on our website and then leave our website.


Account Creation: When you create an account or place an order on our website, Google Analytics collects this data.


IP Address: The IP address is only displayed in shortened form to prevent unique identification.

Location: The country and approximate location can be determined via the IP address. This process is also known as IP geolocation.


Technical Information: Technical information includes your browser type, internet service provider, or screen resolution, among other things.


Source of Origin: Google Analytics, or us, is naturally interested in which website or advertisement brought you to our site.


Additional data includes contact information, any reviews, media playback (e.g., if you play a video on our site), sharing content via social media, or adding it to your favorites. The list is not exhaustive and serves only as a general guide to data storage by Google Analytics.


Where and for how long will the data be stored?

Google has servers distributed worldwide. Most servers are located in America, so your data is mostly stored on American servers. You can find out exactly where the Google data centers are located here:


Your data is distributed across various physical storage devices. This has the advantage that the data can be retrieved more quickly and is better protected against manipulation. Each Google data center has appropriate emergency programs for your data. For example, if Google's hardware fails or natural disasters disrupt servers, the risk of service interruption at Google remains low.


Google Analytics has a standard retention period set for your user data, which is 26 months. After this period, your user data will be deleted. However, we have the flexibility to choose the retention period for user data ourselves. We have five options available:


• Deletion after 14 months

• Deletion after 26 months

• Deletion after 38 months

• Deletion after 50 months

• No automatic deletion


We retain the ability to tailor the data retention period to suit our specific needs and preferences.


Once the specified period has elapsed, data is deleted once a month. This retention period applies to your data associated with cookies, user recognition, and advertising IDs (e.g., cookies from the DoubleClick domain). Report results are based on aggregated data and stored independently of user data. Aggregated data combines individual data into a larger unit.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

Under European Union data protection law, you have the right to access, update, delete, or restrict your data. By using the browser add-on to disable Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js), you prevent Google Analytics from using your data. You can download and install the browser add-on from  Please note that this add-on only disables data collection by Google Analytics.


If you want to disable, delete, or manage cookies (regardless of Google Analytics), each browser has its own instructions:


Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies to remove data stored by websites on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies


Google Analytics is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. More information can be found at


We hope we have provided you with the most important information regarding the data processing of Google Analytics. If you want to learn more about the tracking service, we recommend these two links: and


Newsletter Privacy Policy


When you sign up for our newsletter, you provide the above-mentioned personal data and give us the right to contact you by email. We only use the data stored during the newsletter registration for our newsletter and do not share it with others.


If you unsubscribe from the newsletter - you will find the link for this at the very bottom of each newsletter - we will delete all data stored with the newsletter registration.


Prize Draw


Through our website, we offer you the opportunity to participate in prize draws. If you take part in one of our prize draws, the data you enter during participation will be processed without further consent, but exclusively for the purpose of conducting and managing the respective prize draw.


As part of the prize draw process, we may disclose your data to the transport company responsible for delivering the goods or to a financial service provider, as far as this is necessary for the delivery or payment of your prize. If your data is to be published in case of winning a prize, you will be informed of this within the consent declaration.


The legal basis for the data transfer is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.


You can revoke your consent to the processing of data for participation in our prize draws at any time with effect for the future in accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR. To do this, you only need to inform us of your revocation.


Google AdSense Privacy Policy


We use Google AdSense on this website. This is an advertising program provided by Google Inc. In Europe, Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services. With Google AdSense, we can display advertisements on this website that are relevant to our content. In this privacy policy regarding Google AdSense, we explain why we use Google AdSense on our website, which data is processed and stored by you, and how you can prevent this data storage.


What is Google AdSense?

The Google AdSense advertising program has been around since 2003. Unlike Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords), you cannot advertise directly here. Google AdSense displays advertisements on websites, such as ours. The biggest advantage of this advertising service compared to others is that Google AdSense only shows you ads that are relevant to our content. Google has its own algorithm that calculates which advertisements you see. Of course, we only want to offer you advertising that interests you and provides added value.


Google evaluates your interests or user behavior and our offer to determine which advertisements are suitable for our website and for our users. At this point, we would also like to mention that we are not responsible for the selection of advertisements. We only provide the advertising space on our website. Google makes the selection of the displayed ads. Since August 2013, ads have also been adapted to the respective user interface. This means that whether you visit our website from your smartphone, PC, or laptop, the ads adapt to your device.


Why Do We Use Google AdSense on Our Website?

Operating a high-quality website requires a lot of dedication and effort. Essentially, we are never done working on our website. We constantly strive to maintain and update our site as much as possible. Naturally, we also aim to achieve economic success with this endeavor. That's why we have opted for advertisements as a source of revenue. However, our primary concern is not to disrupt your visit to our website with these ads. With the help of Google AdSense, only ads that match our topics and your interests are offered to you.


Similar to Google indexing for a website, a bot examines the relevant content and offerings of our website. Then, the ads are tailored to the content and presented on the website. In addition to the content overlaps between the ad and website offerings, AdSense also supports interest-based targeting. This means that Google also uses your data to offer tailored ads to you. In the ideal scenario, you receive ads that provide genuine value to you, and we have a better chance of earning something.


What Data Does Google AdSense Store?

In order for Google AdSense to display tailored, personalized ads to you, cookies are used, among other things. Cookies are small text files that store certain information on your computer.


In AdSense, cookies are intended to enable better advertising. The cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. However, it should be noted that Google considers data such as "pseudonymous cookie IDs" (where a name or other identifier is replaced by a pseudonym) or IP addresses as non-personally identifiable information. However, under the GDPR, this data may be considered personal data. After each impression (which occurs whenever you see an ad), click, and any other activity leading to a call to the Google AdSense servers, a cookie is sent to the browser. If the browser accepts the cookie, it is stored there.


Third parties may, under AdSense, place and read cookies in your browser and use web beacons to store data they receive through ad serving on the website. Web beacons are small graphics that perform log file analysis and log file recording. This analysis enables statistical evaluation for online marketing.


Google can collect certain information about your user behavior on our website through these cookies. This includes:


•             Information on how you interact with an ad (clicks, impressions, mouse movements)

•             Information on whether an ad has appeared in your browser at an earlier time. This data helps avoid showing you the same ad repeatedly.


Google analyzes the data on displayed advertising materials and your IP address. It primarily uses the data to measure the effectiveness of an ad and to improve the advertising offer. These data are not linked to personally identifiable information that Google may have about you through other Google services.


Below, we introduce cookies used by Google AdSense for tracking purposes. We refer to a test website that exclusively employs Google AdSense:


Name: uid

Value: 891269189311251914-8

Purpose: Stored under the domain, this cookie provides a unique machine-generated user ID and collects data on activity on our website.

Expiration: After 2 months


Name: C

Value: 1

Purpose: This cookie identifies whether your browser accepts cookies. It is stored under the domain

Expiration: After 1 month


Name: cid

Value: 8912691894970695056,0,0,0,0

Purpose: Stored under the domain, this cookie represents a client ID and is used to improve advertising for you. It may deliver more relevant ads to visitors and help improve campaign performance reports.

Expiration: After 2 months


Name: IDE

Value: zOtj4TWxwbFDjaATZ2TzNaQmxrU311251914-1

Purpose: Stored under the domain, this cookie registers your actions after viewing or clicking on an ad. This allows us to measure the effectiveness of an ad with our visitors.

Expiration: After 1 month


Name: test_cookie

Value: Not specified

Purpose: The "test_cookie" helps verify whether your browser supports cookies. It is stored under the domain

Expiration: After 1 month


Name: CT592996

Value: 733366

Purpose: Stored under the domain, this cookie is set when you click on an advertisement. We could not ascertain specific information about the use of this cookie.

Expiration: After one hour


Note: This list cannot claim to be exhaustive, as Google typically alters its choice of cookies.


Where and for how long are the data stored?

Google collects your IP address and various activities you perform on the website. Cookies store this information about interactions on our website. According to Google, the company securely collects and stores the specified information on its own Google servers in the USA.


If you do not have a Google account or are not logged in, Google usually stores the collected data with a unique identifier (ID) on your browser. The unique IDs stored in cookies, for example, ensure personalized advertising. If you are logged into a Google account, Google may also collect personal data.


You can delete some of the data Google stores at any time (see the next section). Many pieces of information stored in cookies are automatically deleted after a certain period. However, Google may store some data for an indefinite longer period due to economic or legal requirements.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You always have the option to delete or disable cookies stored on your computer. How this works depends on your browser. Here is a guide on how to manage cookies in your browser:


Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies to remove data stored by websites on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies


If you generally want to avoid cookies, you can configure your browser to always notify you when a cookie is set. This way, you can decide whether to allow or deny each individual cookie. By downloading and installing this browser plug-in at  all "advertising cookies" are also disabled. Note that by disabling these cookies, you do not prevent advertisements but only personalized advertising.


If you have a Google account, you can disable personalized advertising on the website Here, you will continue to see ads, but they will no longer be tailored to your interests. However, ads are still displayed based on factors such as your location, browser type, and search terms used.


You can find information about what data Google generally collects and how they use this data at


Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) Conversion Tracking Privacy Policy


As part of our online marketing efforts, we utilize Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) to promote our products and services. Our aim is to raise awareness of the high quality of our offerings among internet users. Within our advertising efforts through Google Ads, we employ the conversion tracking provided by Google Inc. In Europe, however, Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services. With this free tracking tool, we can better tailor our advertising offerings to your interests and needs. In the following article, we'll delve into why we use conversion tracking, what data is stored, and how you can prevent this data storage.


What is Google Ads Conversion Tracking?

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is Google Inc.'s proprietary online advertising system. We are confident in the quality of our offerings and want as many people as possible to visit our website. In the online realm, Google Ads provides the best platform for this purpose. Naturally, we also want to gain a precise understanding of the cost-benefit ratio of our advertising campaigns. That's why we use Google Ads' conversion tracking tool.


But what is a conversion, exactly? A conversion occurs when a visitor to our website goes from merely browsing to taking action. This happens whenever you click on our ad and then perform another action, such as visiting our website. With Google's conversion tracking tool, we capture what happens after a user clicks on our Google Ads ad. For example, we can see if products are purchased, services are used, or if users sign up for our newsletter.


Why do we use Google Ads Conversion Tracking on our website?

We use Google Ads to raise awareness of our offerings on other websites as well. Our goal is to ensure that our advertising campaigns reach only those people who are interested in our offerings. With the conversion tracking tool, we can see which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns lead to desired customer actions. We can see how many customers interact with our ads on a device and then complete a conversion. With this data, we can calculate our cost-benefit ratio, measure the success of individual advertising initiatives, and optimize our online marketing efforts accordingly. Furthermore, with the data we gather, we can make our website more appealing to you and customize our advertising offerings to better meet your needs.


What data is stored in Google Ads Conversion Tracking?

We have incorporated a conversion tracking tag or code snippet on our website to better analyze certain user actions. When you click on one of our Google Ads ads, the "Conversion" cookie is stored on your computer (usually in your browser) or mobile device by a Google domain. Cookies are small text files that store information on your computer.


Here are the details of the most important cookies for Google Ads conversion tracking:


Name: Conversion

Value: EhMI_aySuoyv4gIVled3Ch0llweVGAEgt-mr6aXd7dYlSAGQ311251914-3

Purpose: This cookie stores every conversion you make on our site after coming to us via a Google ad.

Expiration date: after 3 months


Name: _gac

Value: 1.1558695989.EAIaIQobChMIiOmEgYO04gIVj5AYCh2CBAPrEAAYASAAEgIYQfD_BwE

Purpose: This is a classic Google Analytics cookie used to capture various actions on our website.

Expiration date: after 3 months


Note: The _gac cookie seems to be associated only with Google Analytics. The above list is not exhaustive, as Google may use other cookies for analytical purposes.


Once you complete an action on our website, Google recognizes the cookie and stores your action as a "conversion." As long as you continue browsing our website and the cookie has not expired, we and Google recognize that you found us through our Google Ads ad. The cookie is read and the conversion data is sent back to Google Ads. It is also possible that other cookies are used to measure conversions. Google Ads' conversion tracking can be further refined and improved using Google Analytics. For ads displayed by Google on various websites, cookies with the names "__gads" or "_gac" may be set under our domain. Since September 2017, various campaign information has been stored by analytics.js with the _gac cookie. The cookie stores this data as soon as you visit one of our pages for which Google Ads automatic tag labeling has been set up. Unlike cookies set for Google domains, Google can only read these conversion cookies when you are on our website. We do not collect or receive any personal data. We receive a report from Google with statistical analyses. For example, we learn the total number of users who clicked on our ad and see which advertising initiatives were successful.


Where and for how long are the data stored?

At this point, we would like to point out that we have no influence on how Google uses the data collected. According to Google, the data is encrypted and stored on secure servers. In most cases, conversion cookies expire after 30 days and do not transmit any personal data. The cookies named "Conversion" and "_gac" (used in conjunction with Google Analytics) expire after 3 months.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You have the option to opt out of Google Ads conversion tracking. By disabling the Google Conversion Tracking cookie through your browser, you block conversion tracking. In this case, you will not be included in the statistics of the tracking tool. You can change the cookie settings in your browser at any time. Each browser operates slightly differently in this regard. Here is a guide on how to manage cookies in your browser:


Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies to remove data stored by websites on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies


If you prefer not to have any cookies at all, you can configure your browser to always notify you when a cookie is to be set. This way, you can decide whether to allow each individual cookie or not. By downloading and installing this browser plug-in at, all "advertising cookies" are also disabled. Please note that by deactivating these cookies, you are not preventing advertisements but only personalized advertising.


As a certified participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, the American corporation Google LLC must comply with the data protection laws applicable in the EU. If you would like to learn more about data protection at Google, we recommend the general Google Privacy Policy:


Embedded Social Media Elements Privacy Policy


We incorporate elements of social media services on our website to display images, videos, and texts.

By visiting pages that display these elements, data is transferred from your browser to the respective social media service and stored there. We do not have access to this data.

The following links will take you to the pages of the respective social media services where it is explained how they handle your data:


• Instagram Privacy Policy:

• For YouTube, the Google Privacy Policy applies:

• Facebook Data Policy:

• Twitter Privacy Policy:


Facebook Privacy Policy


We use selected tools from Facebook on our website. Facebook is a social media network operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland. With the help of these tools, we can offer you and people interested in our products and services the best possible offer. The following provides an overview of the various Facebook tools, what data is sent to Facebook, and how you can delete this data.


What are Facebook Tools?

In addition to many other products, Facebook also offers the so-called "Facebook Business Tools". That is the official name used by Facebook. Since the term is hardly known, we have decided to simply call them Facebook tools. Among other things, these include:


• Facebook Pixel

• Social plugins (such as the "Like" or "Share" button)

• Facebook Login

• Account Kit

• APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

• SDKs (Software Development Kits)

• Platform integrations

• Plugins

• Codes

• Specifications

• Documentation

• Technologies and services


These tools expand Facebook's services and enable it to obtain information about user activities outside of Facebook.


Why do we use Facebook tools on our website?

We want to show our services and products only to people who are really interested in them. With the help of advertisements (Facebook ads), we can reach exactly those people. In order to show users suitable advertisements, Facebook needs information about the wishes and needs of people. Thus, information about user behavior (and contact details) on our website is provided to the company. Facebook collects better user data in this way and can display suitable advertising about our products or services to interested people. The tools thus enable tailored advertising campaigns on Facebook.


Facebook refers to data about your behavior on our website as "event data". These are also used for measurement and analysis services. Facebook can create "campaign reports" about the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns on our behalf. Furthermore, we gain a better insight into how you use our services, website, or products through analysis. This allows us to optimize your user experience on our website with some of these tools. For example, you can share content directly on Facebook with social plugins.


What data is stored by Facebook tools?

By using individual Facebook tools, personal data (customer data) can be sent to Facebook. Depending on the tools used, customer data such as name, address, telephone number, and IP address can be transmitted.


Facebook uses this information to match the data with the data it already has about you (if you are a Facebook member). Before customer data is transmitted to Facebook, a process called "hashing" takes place. This means that a data set of any size is transformed into a character string. This also serves to encrypt the data.


In addition to contact details, "event data" is also transmitted. "Event data" refers to the information we receive about you on our website. For example, which subpages you visit or which products you buy from us. Facebook does not share the information received with third parties (such as advertisers) unless the company has explicit permission or is legally obliged to do so. "Event data" can also be linked to contact data. This allows Facebook to offer better personalized advertising. After the aforementioned matching process, Facebook deletes the contact data again.


In order to deliver optimized advertisements, Facebook uses the event data only if it has been aggregated with other data (collected by Facebook in other ways). Facebook also uses these event data for security, protection, development, and research purposes. Many of these data are transferred to Facebook via cookies. Cookies are small text files used to store data or information in browsers. Depending on the tools used and whether you are a Facebook member, different numbers of cookies are created in your browser. In the descriptions of the individual Facebook tools, we provide more information about individual Facebook cookies. You can also find general information about the use of Facebook cookies at


Where and for how long are the data stored?

In principle, Facebook stores data until it is no longer needed for its own services and Facebook products. Facebook has servers distributed all over the world where your data is stored. However, customer data is deleted within 48 hours after being matched with its own user data.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to information, correction, transferability, and deletion of your data.


Complete deletion of data only occurs if you delete your Facebook account completely. Here's how to delete your Facebook account:


1) Click on Settings on the right in Facebook.

2) Then click on "Your Facebook Information" in the left column.

3) Now click on "Deactivation and deletion".

4) Now select "Delete account" and then click on "Continue and delete account".

5) Now enter your password, click "Next", and then click "Delete account".


The storage of data that Facebook receives from our site occurs, among other methods, through cookies (e.g., with social plugins). In your browser, you can disable, delete, or manage individual or all cookies. Depending on the browser you use, this process works differently. The following instructions demonstrate how to manage cookies in your browser:


Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies


If you don't want cookies at all, you can set up your browser to always notify you when a cookie is about to be set. This way, you can decide whether to allow each individual cookie or not.


Facebook is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. For more information, visit We hope we have provided you with the most important information about the use and processing of data by Facebook tools. If you want to learn more about how Facebook uses your data, we recommend reviewing the data policies at



Facebook Social Plugins Privacy Policy


Our website incorporates so-called social plugins from the company Facebook Inc. You can recognize these buttons by the classic Facebook logo, such as the "Like" button (the hand with the raised thumb) or by a unique "Facebook Plugin" label. A social plugin is a small part of Facebook integrated into our site. Each plugin has its own function. The most commonly used functions are the well-known "Like" and "Share" buttons.


The following social plugins are offered by Facebook:


• "Save" button

• "Like" button, Share, Send, and Quote

• Page plugin

• Comments

• Messenger plugin

• Embedded posts and video player

• Group plugin


You can find more information on how the individual plugins are used at We use social plugins to provide you with a better user experience on our site and because Facebook can optimize our ads.


If you have a Facebook account or have visited before, Facebook has already set at least one cookie in your browser. In this case, your browser sends information to Facebook via this cookie as soon as you visit our site or interact with social plugins (e.g., the "Like" button).


The information received is deleted or anonymized within 90 days. According to Facebook, this data includes your IP address, which website you visited, the date, time, and other information related to your browser.


To prevent Facebook from collecting a lot of data during your visit to our website and linking it with Facebook data, you must log out of Facebook during your website visit.


If you are not logged in to Facebook or do not have a Facebook account, your browser sends less information to Facebook because you have fewer Facebook cookies. However, data such as your IP address or which website you visit can still be transferred to Facebook. We would like to explicitly point out that we do not have precise knowledge of the exact contents of the data. However, based on our current knowledge, we try to inform you as best as possible about data processing. You can also read about how Facebook uses the data in the company's data policies at


Below are the cookies that are set in your browser when you visit a website with social plugins from Facebook:


Name: dpr

Value: Not specified

Purpose: This cookie is used to make the social plugins work on our website.

Expiration: After the end of the session


Name: fr

Value: 0jieyh4311251914c2GnlufEJ9..Bde09j…1.0.Bde09j

Purpose: This cookie is also necessary for the plugins to function properly.

Expiration: After 3 months


Note: These cookies were set after a test, even if you are not a Facebook member.


If you are logged into Facebook, you can change your ad settings at If you are not a Facebook user, you can manage your usage-based online advertising atätzlich. There, you have the option to disable or enable providers.


If you want to learn more about Facebook's privacy practices, we recommend reviewing the company's own data policies at


Instagram Privacy Policy


We have integrated features of Instagram on our website. Instagram is a social media platform owned by Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA. Since 2012, Instagram has been a subsidiary of Facebook Inc. and is one of Facebook's products. Embedding Instagram content on our website is called Embedding. This allows us to display content such as buttons, photos, or videos from Instagram directly on our website. When you visit pages of our website that have an Instagram function integrated, data is transmitted to Instagram, stored, and processed. Instagram uses the same systems and technologies as Facebook. Your data is thus processed across all Facebook companies.


Below, we provide a detailed insight into why Instagram collects data, what data is collected, and how you can largely control data processing. Since Instagram is owned by Facebook Inc., we obtain our information from both Instagram policies and Facebook data policies.


What is Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks worldwide. Instagram combines the advantages of a blog with the benefits of audiovisual platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. On "Insta" (as many users colloquially call the platform), you can upload photos and short videos, edit them with various filters, and share them on other social networks. And if you don't want to be active yourself, you can simply follow other interesting users.


Why do we use Instagram on our website?

Instagram is a social media platform that has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. And of course, we have responded to this boom as well. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible on our website. Therefore, a varied presentation of our content is a matter of course for us. Through the embedded Instagram features, we can enrich our content with helpful, entertaining, or exciting content from the Instagram world. Since Instagram is a subsidiary of Facebook, the data collected can also be useful for personalized advertising on Facebook. This ensures that our advertisements reach only people who are genuinely interested in our products or services.


Instagram also uses the collected data for measurement and analysis purposes. We receive aggregated statistics and thus gain more insight into your wishes and interests. It is important to mention that these reports do not identify you personally.


What data is stored by Instagram?

When you encounter one of our pages that have Instagram features (such as Instagram images or plugins) embedded, your browser automatically connects to Instagram's servers. Data is then sent to Instagram, stored, and processed. This happens regardless of whether you have an Instagram account or not. This includes information about our website, your computer, purchases made, ads you see, and how you use our offer. The date and time of your interaction with Instagram are also stored. If you have an Instagram account or are logged in, Instagram stores significantly more data about you.


Facebook distinguishes between customer data and event data. We assume that this is also the case with Instagram. Customer data includes, for example, name, address, telephone number, and IP address. It is important to mention that this customer data is only transmitted to Instagram after being "hashed". Hashing means that a data set is transformed into a character string. This allows the contact data to be encrypted. The aforementioned "event data" is also transmitted. "Event data" refers to data about your user behavior. It may also happen that contact data is combined with event data. The collected contact data are compared with the data that Instagram already has about you.


The collected data is transmitted to Facebook through small text files (cookies) that are usually set in your browser. Depending on the Instagram functions used and whether you have an Instagram account yourself, different amounts of data are stored.


We assume that data processing at Instagram works the same way as it does at Facebook. This means that if you have an Instagram account or have visited, Instagram has at least set one cookie.


If this happens, your browser sends information to Instagram via the cookie as soon as you interact with an Instagram function. These data are deleted or anonymized no later than 90 days (after reconciliation). Although we have extensively studied Instagram's data processing, we cannot say exactly which data Instagram collects and stores.


Below, we show you cookies that are set in your browser at least when you click on an Instagram function (such as a button or an Insta image). In our test, we assume that you do not have an Instagram account. If you are logged into Instagram, significantly more cookies will naturally be set in your browser.


The following cookies were used in our test:


Name: csrftoken

Value: ""

Purpose: This cookie is likely set for security reasons to prevent request forgery. However, we could not find out more precisely.

Expiration date: after one year


Name: mid

Value: ""

Purpose: Instagram sets this cookie to optimize its own services and offerings inside and outside of Instagram. The cookie assigns a unique user ID.

Expiration date: after the end of the session


Name: fbsr_311251914124024

Value: no information

Purpose: This cookie stores the login request for users of the Instagram app.

Expiration date: after the end of the session


Name: rur

Value: ATN

Purpose: This is an Instagram cookie that ensures functionality on Instagram.

Expiration date: after the end of the session


Name: urlgen

Value: "{\"\": 1901}:1iEtYv:Y833k2_UjKvXgYe311251914"

Purpose: This cookie serves Instagram's marketing purposes.

Expiration date: after the end of the session

Note: We cannot claim completeness here. Which cookies are set in individual cases depends on the embedded functions and your use of Instagram.


How long and where are the data stored?

Instagram shares the information received between Facebook companies, external partners, and individuals with whom you connect worldwide. Data processing is carried out in compliance with its own data policy. For security reasons, among others, your data is distributed on Facebook servers worldwide. Most of these servers are located in the USA.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

Thanks to the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to access, transfer, correct, and delete your data. You can manage your data in the Instagram settings. If you want to completely delete your data on Instagram, you must permanently delete your Instagram account.


And this is how you delete your Instagram account:


First, open the Instagram app. On your profile page, scroll down and click on "Help Center". Now you will be directed to the company's website. On the website, click on "Account Management" and then on "Delete Your Account".


If you delete your account entirely, Instagram will delete posts such as your photos and status updates. Information shared by other people about you does not belong to your account and will therefore not be deleted.


As mentioned above, Instagram primarily stores your data via cookies. You can manage, disable, or delete these cookies in your browser. Depending on your browser, managing cookies works a bit differently. Here are the instructions for the most important browsers.


Chrome: Delete, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies


You can also set up your browser in general to always inform you when a cookie is to be set. Then you can always decide individually whether to allow the cookie or not.


Instagram is a subsidiary of Facebook Inc., and Facebook is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. This framework ensures correct data transmission between the USA and the European Union. You can learn more about it at We have tried to provide you with the most important information about Instagram's data processing. You can learn more about Instagram's data policies at


YouTube Privacy Policy


We've integrated YouTube videos on our website to directly present interesting videos to you. YouTube, a video portal, has been a subsidiary of Google since 2006. The video portal is operated by YouTube, LLC, located at 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When you visit a page on our website that has an embedded YouTube video, your browser automatically connects to YouTube's or Google's servers. Depending on your settings, various data is transmitted. Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all data processing in the European region.


Below, we'll explain in more detail which data is processed, why we've embedded YouTube videos, and how you can manage or delete your data.


What is YouTube?

YouTube allows users to watch, rate, comment on, and upload videos for free. Over the years, YouTube has become one of the most important social media channels worldwide. To display videos on our website, YouTube provides a code snippet that we've integrated into our site.


Why do we use YouTube videos on our website?

YouTube is the video platform with the most visitors and the best content. We strive to provide you with the best possible user experience on our website, and interesting videos are essential to that experience. Through our embedded videos, we offer you additional helpful content alongside our text and images. Moreover, our website becomes more discoverable on the Google search engine through the embedded videos. Even when we run Google Ads advertisements, Google can show these ads only to people genuinely interested in our offerings, thanks to the collected data.


What data does YouTube store?

When you visit one of our pages with an embedded YouTube video, YouTube sets at least one cookie that stores your IP address and our URL. If you're logged into your YouTube account, YouTube can usually associate your interactions on our website with your profile using cookies. This includes data such as session duration, bounce rate, approximate location, technical information like browser type, screen resolution, or your internet service provider. Additional data may include contact information, any ratings, sharing content via social media, or adding content to your favorites on YouTube.


If you're not logged into a Google account or a YouTube account, Google stores data with a unique identifier linked to your device, browser, or app. For example, your preferred language setting remains unchanged. However, many interaction data cannot be stored because fewer cookies are set.


In the following list, we display cookies that were set in a browser test. We show cookies set both without a logged-in YouTube account and with a logged-in account. The list cannot claim completeness because user data always depends on interactions on YouTube.


The list provided is not exhaustive, as user data always depends on interactions on YouTube.


Name: YSC

Value: b9-CV6ojI5Y311251914-1

Purpose: This cookie registers a unique ID to store statistics of the viewed video.

Expiration: after the session ends


Name: PREF

Value: f1=50000000

Purpose: This cookie also registers your unique ID. Google receives statistics via PREF on how you use YouTube videos on our website.

Expiration: after 8 months


Name: GPS

Value: 1

Purpose: This cookie registers your unique ID on mobile devices to track the GPS location.

Expiration: after 30 minutes



Value: 95Chz8bagyU

Purpose: This cookie attempts to estimate the user's bandwidth on our websites (with embedded YouTube video).

Expiration: after 8 months


Additional cookies set when you are logged in with your YouTube account:



Value: zILlvClZSkqGsSwI/AU1aZI6HY7311251914-

Purpose: This cookie is used to create a profile of your interests. The data is used for personalized advertisements.

Expiration: after 2 years




Purpose: The cookie stores the user's consent status for using various Google services. CONSENT also serves security purposes to verify users and protect user data from unauthorized attacks.

Expiration: after 19 years


Name: HSID

Value: AcRwpgUik9Dveht0I

Purpose: This cookie is used to create a profile of your interests. These data help to display personalized advertising.

Expiration: after 2 years



Value: AFmmF2swRQIhALl6aL…

Purpose: This cookie stores information about your login data.

Expiration: after 2 years



Value: 7oaPxoG-pZsJuuF5/AnUdDUIsJ9iJz2vdM

Purpose: This cookie works by uniquely identifying your browser and device. It is used to create a profile of your interests.

Expiration: after 2 years


Name: SID

Value: oQfNKjAsI311251914-

Purpose: This cookie stores your Google account ID and your last login time in digitally signed and encrypted form.

Expiration: after 2 years



Value: AN0-TYuqub2JOcDTyL

Purpose: This cookie stores information on how you use the website and which ads you may have seen before visiting our site.

Expiration: after 3 months


How long and where are the data stored?

The data that YouTube receives and processes from you are stored on Google servers. Most of these servers are located in America. You can see exactly where Google data centers are located at Your data is distributed across servers, making it faster to retrieve and better protected against manipulation.


Google stores the collected data for different durations. Some data can be deleted at any time, while others are automatically deleted after a limited time. Yet, some data, such as elements from "My Activity," photos, documents, and products stored in your Google account, remain stored until you delete them. Even if you are not signed in to a Google account, you can delete some data associated with your device, browser, or app.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You can manually delete data in your Google account. With the automatic deletion feature introduced in 2019 for location and activity data, information is stored for either 3 or 18 months, depending on your choice, and then deleted.


Regardless of whether you have a Google account or not, you can configure your browser to delete or disable cookies from Google. Depending on the browser you use, this works in different ways. The following instructions show how to manage cookies in your browser:


- Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome

- Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

- Firefox: Clear cookies to remove data stored by websites on your computer

- Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

- Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies


If you generally do not want cookies, you can set up your browser to notify you every time a cookie is about to be set. This way, you can decide whether to allow each individual cookie or not. Since YouTube is a subsidiary of Google, they share a common privacy policy. To learn more about how your data is handled, we recommend checking the privacy policy at


Wix Privacy Policy


For our website, we use the Wix website builder provided by the Israeli company Ltd., 40 Hanamal Tel Aviv St., Tel Aviv 6350671, Israel. In addition to the headquarters in Tel Aviv, there are other corporate locations such as in Berlin, Dublin, Vancouver, or New York. By using Wix, personal data about you may also be collected, stored, and processed. With this privacy policy, we aim to explain why we use Wix, where data is stored, and how you can prevent this data storage.


What is Wix?

Wix is a website builder that allows for easy creation of HTML5 websites and mobile websites. This online platform is based on the cloud principle and allows for the integration of various functions from Wix or third-party providers into one's own website.


Why do we use Wix on our website?

For working on our website, we need a user-friendly system that allows us to present you with a beautiful design and interesting content quickly and easily. With Wix, we have found the right system for this purpose. With its ease of use and comprehensive features, Wix enables us to design our web presence according to our preferences and provide you with good user-friendliness.


What data is stored by Wix?

Non-personal data includes technical usage information such as browser activity, clickstream activities, session heatmaps, and data about your computer, operating system, browser, screen resolution, language and keyboard settings, internet provider, and date of page visit.


Additionally, personal data is also collected, primarily contact details (email address or phone number, if provided by you), IP address, or your geographical location.


Using tracking systems like cookies, data about your behavior on our website is collected. For example, it records which subpages you particularly like, how long you stay on individual pages, when you leave a page (bounce rate), or which pre-settings (e.g., language selection) you have made. Based on this data, can better tailor its marketing measures to your interests and user behavior. The next time you visit our website, it will be displayed to you as you have set it up previously. may also disclose personal data to third parties (such as service providers).


Below, we show you exemplary cookies used by Wix:



Value: 1591628008|P01ovn-JtsrK

Purpose: This cookie is a security cookie and prevents so-called Cross Site Request Forgery, which is an attack on a computer system.

Expiration date: after the end of the session


Name: _wixCIDX

Value: b2474394-b64f-4c7a-a598-16b9043a8938311251914-9

Purpose: This cookie allows you to log in to our website with corresponding data storage to shorten the login process next time.

Expiration date: after 3 months



Value: EB626B5A40C80CEFD0EB26286F9684716FECD023880992D31DEC38311251914-1

Purpose: This cookie is used to distribute the load on the website across multiple servers, thus increasing the page loading speed.

Expiration date: after one hour



Value: 85FDC7C91873988D19D2D53305AA8CAB73AF02FCEAEB626B5A40C

Purpose: We could not find any further information about this cookie. Once we know more, you will be informed.

Expiration date: after one hour


Note: Please note that the cookies displayed above are examples, and this list is not exhaustive.


How long and where are the data stored?

The data may be stored on various servers distributed worldwide. Thus, the data may be stored in the USA, Ireland, South Korea, Taiwan, or Israel, for example. Wix stores data until it is no longer necessary for the provided service. We have not yet obtained detailed information regarding the duration of data storage.


How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You have the option to update, correct, or delete your personal data at any time. You can also contact Wix's privacy department directly at


To disable, delete, or manage cookies, simply select the appropriate settings in your browser. This process may vary slightly depending on the browser. The following instructions demonstrate how to adjust or manage cookies according to your preferences in the most common browsers:


Chrome: Deleting, enabling, and managing cookies in Chrome


Safari: Managing cookies and website data with Safari


Firefox: Deleting cookies to remove data stored by websites on your computer


Internet Explorer: Deleting and managing cookies


Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies Ltd. is headquartered in Israel. Israel is considered by the European Commission to provide adequate protection for personal data of EU citizens.


Additionally, is an active participant in the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, which also regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. For further information, please visit  With this privacy policy, we have provided you with the essential information regarding data processing by For more detailed information, we recommend reviewing the company's privacy policies at


Source: Created with the Privacy Policy Generator

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